All You Need Is 8 Minutes To Feel More Energized In The Morning

A 2014 survey found that 76% of the workforce feels tired most weekdays. Until last year I had the same problem. So I decided to work on it and solve it. I wanted a solution that would not involve sleeping more or guzzling more coffee in the morning, but actually something that is healthy and would work long term.


After trying multiple options, I noticed that exercising for just a few minutes every morning is one of the most effective activities I can do to fuel me up. It pumps me up, regardless of how long or how well I slept.
What I noticed is that you don’t have to do an intense hour-long workout to feel the effects of morning exercise. Just a few minutes of fitness is enough to boost mood and improve productivity for the rest of the day.
Since I’m an entrepreneur, I have little time and have found that all I really need is 8 minutes. Keep in mind, this exercise routine is not about getting fit. It’s about waking the body up and feeling more energized in the morning.
Movement is the best way to feel more energized. It increases blood flow and subsequently wakes the body up. Doing an experiment for The Daily Beast, Gregory Ferenstein found that 30 seconds of exercise gave him the same jolt of energy as a shot of caffeine. He also took a cognitive test after exercising and 250 mg of caffeine (equivalent to three cups of coffee), and found he performed better post-workout.

The reason exercise is so effective is because it oxygenates your muscles and raises body temperature, which will make you feel more alert. According to a study from the University of Georgia, a short exercise routine can give you more energy throughout the day. Researchers found that even low-intensity exercise can combat feelings of low energy and fatigue.
Not only does exercise make you feel more energized, but it also makes you more focused and productive. The increased blood flow to the brain sharpens your awareness. A study from the University of Bristol showed that after exercising, work performance was consistently higher as shown by better time management and improved mental acuity.
Although I love the energizing effects of exercise, I continue this routine day after day also because of its positive effect on my mood. Exercise relieves stress and makes me feel happier. Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes releases GABA, a neurotransmitter that calms the brain. Exercise also releases feel-good endorphins and dopamine, which are responsible for feelings of pleasure and happiness. Overall, exercise — even the smallest amount — activates the brain.

If you want to feel more energized in the morning, you can do a few simple exercises — no gym required. Not everyone has time for a long workout in the morning, but everyone has 8 minutes for himself.
What to do:
I like to do exercises that cover my arms, abs, and legs so I will feel as if I worked each part of my body. I do the exercises below, without interruption for 8 minutes. This will increase your heart rate, burn some calories, tone your muscles, and leave you feeling energized for your day. I end every session with a couple of minutes of stretching and three yoga positions: plow (“halasana”), child (“balasana”) and bridge (setu bandha sarvangasana), which help my back.

Do you want to fuel your day in a few minutes? Try this:

8-Minute Energizing Workout

  1. 10 push ups
  2. 10 sit ups
  3. 10 squats
  4. Repeat for 8 minutes, or at least 3x
  5. Stretch + Yoga
