Three Minute Legs?

I am so tired of seeing advertisements for contraptions that supposedly make exercising "easier and safer" and will help you lose 25 pounds in two weeks!

News flash .... it's a big SCAM!   Effective exercise is NOT easy, using a contraption to do it is NOT safe, and you absolutely can NOT lose 25 pounds just by using one for two weeks.

Just take a look at Kijiji or Used Ottawa and you will see hundreds of these contraptions people are trying to sell.  Why?  Because they don't work!

Take a look at this video for a piece of trash called "Three Minute Legs". 

Firstly, they are trying to convince you that lunging and squatting is bad for you without using this piece of junk to assist you.   Lunging and squatting is a primal movement that any healthy person should all be able to do without a contraption.  In today's society of ease and comfort, many people don't do these movements and unfortunately don't know how to do them properly.  With some proper coaching, anyone can learn these movements and do them safely.

Next, they show you how this gadget assists you to do the movements and makes it "safer" for you.  They show you this with people using the contraption to do lunges and squats IMPROPERLY!   Sure, the contraption takes away the "strain" of actually using your muscles to do the movement and allows you to use improper form so that you don't hurt yourself, but how can this be "safe"?   The contraption also does not train your body to use stabilizing muscles to balance yourself while doing the movements so, the first time you go out and try to do one of these movements in the real world without your contraption to assist you, you WILL hurt yourself!

Finally, they try to convince you that you will lose 25 lbs in just two easy weeks using the contraption.  If someone is a complete couch potato, has been totally inactive for years, and weighs 300 lbs, then getting off their butt and walking a couple blocks every day will help them lose weight at first.  However, real weight loss does not happen in two easy weeks of using any type of contraption.   Real, lasting weight loss happens by eating properly!  PERIOD!  No magic contraption is going to do it for someone.  It takes discipline and hard work, real exercise and healthy food choices.

These advertisements infuriate me!  I believe they are false, misleading, and a complete scam that should be banned.   Don't waste your money, you will only end up putting the piece of junk up for sale on Kijiji for a fraction of what you paid for it, if you can sell it at all.

Now watch this video of Ellen Degeneres using some of these gadgets.  :)
