Get Your Motor Running

I often lack the motivation to complete both cardio and strength training in one workout. After busting my butt on the treadmill for a half hour the last thing I want to do is walk my sweaty self into a weight room teeming with testosterone.

This is precisely why I find group fitness classes so appealing. Unfortunately, many classes claim to give you plenty of cardio bursts when in reality the buffing way outweighs the burning.

But thanks to a tweet from Twilight's Rachelle Lefevre, I finally found a venue where building muscle is only half the battle. Introducing, Sweat Garage.

This new workout studio, lined on one side with treadmills and one side with weights, is the perfect spot to get a total body tune-up.

The "garage door" at the front of the gym opens up to a small "carport" where you can choose from classes like the Convertible (Chest & Back), the Bumper Breaks Tailgate (Butt & Legs), and the Stick Shift (Arms & Shoulders).

I chose the Abs class last week and was pleasantly surprised by the intensity of their treadmill workouts. The class is divided into 6 10-minute increments, alternating between running intervals and ab work.

We began with a jogging warm-up trading between high and low "hills." The second treadmill routine involved sprints, and the third was a gradual speed buildup and decline. The break up of the cardio and floor work had my heart beat soaring the entire class, but kept me from burning out early.

The muscle work involved a variety of exercises like Russian Twists, Planks, and drills with light weights and medicine balls.

Although I refused to buy a towel at the start of class, I was soaked in the gym's namesake a 1/4 of the way through, and immediately ponied up for the purchase.

I can say with 100% honesty that this is the best workout I've had in a while.

The gym just opened two weeks ago and right now they have a 5 class package for only $50, or individual ones for $15.

I bought the package after my first class and am excited to try the "Tailgate" today!

For a schedule of their classes click here.
