Military Fitness Gurus Tell Troops: You’re Too Flabby For CrossFit

Thank you , Jeff, for sending me the link to this very interesting article on Military Fitness.

What is missing from this article though is the fact that Crossfit workouts are supposed to be SCALED to an individual's own ability and level of fitness.  Intensity is supposed to start off  low and gradually increase as the individual learns proper execution of the techniques and increases their level of fitness.

What the so called Gurus are not getting is that the problem is not with the program.  The real problem is with the macho warriors who's egos are too big for them to scale the workouts and then hurt themselves doing way too much, too soon, using terrible form!  Then they wonder why they get hurt and blame the program!

Nice coincidence that Jeff sent me this article right after my last post below (Quote of the Day).  Do you suppose the military people mentioned in this article have missed the underlying "Principles" of the program?  ;)
