The Clean

The "Clean" forms part of one of the major Olympic lifts (Clean & Jerk) and is most beneficial for developing power.  The image above is the standard "Clean", where the weight starts from the floor and is received in the full squat, hips below parallel.  It is sometimes called a "Squat Clean".

The Clean begins with a grip that is a little wider than shoulder width. Then the pull begins which almost mimics a deadlift. The barbell will proceed up the body until it reaches about mid thigh for some, and at mid thigh the lifter will extend his body (triple extension) propelling the barbell upwards. As the bar is moving upwards the lifter will descend underneath the barbell and flip the wrists so the arms are almost parallel to the floor.  The bar will then be racked across the clavicles and shoulders and will create what could be considered a shelf for the bar.  The lifter will be in a front squat position and they will stand up with the barbell.  That completes the Clean.

There are numerous variations of the Clean which are based on the starting and ending position of the lift:
  • A "Hang Clean" is received in the same position, put starts from a "hang" position where the bar is just above knee level.
  • A "Power Clean" starts at the same position as the standard "Clean" (from the floor), but is received higher up in a front squat starting position, with the hips not going below parallel.  
  • A "Hang Power Clean" starts from the same position as the "Hang Clean" (from a "hang' position"), and ends in the "power" position ... a front squat starting position with the hips not going below parallel.
This may sound a little confusing at first, but once you get the terminology it's all very logical.  For more information on these lifts, you can refer to The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Power Cleans.
