Dirty Pantries? Clean Them Out

Is your pantry filled with unhealthy unmentionables? Then you're in need of a pantry raid!

Find out how to get your cupboards cleaned out by some of LA Times Magazine's finest nutrition gurus.

Recently I got to sit down with Times' health journalist Jeannine Stein and one of the mag's top raiders, registered dietitian Lisa Gibson.

The two team up to peruse the pantries of locals in need of a kitchen clean-up and help people make healthy changes. Gibson and Stein also have participants cook a meal for them and keep a three day journal, so they can assess their needs. In addition to determining what stays and what goes, the duo gives tips on making nutritious meals.

Most of the pantry problems they told me are due to a lack of time. Watch my interview below for more info and some simple solutions to common dietary dilemmas:

If you think your pantry needs raiding, email Stein at jeannine.stein@latimes.com.

If you're chosen for a raid, you'll be featured in the Monday Health section of the LA Times!
