Why I Need to Attend the FitBloggin' Conference

When I started this blog about two years ago, I had no exact purpose or idea of where it would end up. Now, with my readership having doubled in the past few months, I'm starting to see a reason.

I write to raise awareness about nutrition and fitness, and make sure consumers aren't blindsided by unfair marketing techniques. I write for men and women who have struggled with their weight for years, and need accurate information to weed out the many misconceptions of dieting. I write to inspire others to stick to their goals, and provide them the tools to do so. And along the way, I have ended up writing for myself−to keep me on track so that I may achieve the happy, healthy lifestyle I so desire.

So why am I telling you all this? Because this May an amazing event is going down in Baltimore that I think would be very beneficial to my development as a blogger.

FitBloggin' 11 is a two-day conference that gathers health and fitness writers from all over the country to learn more about their passion and how to pursue it.

Although I'm extremely happy with how my blog is progressing, I know this conference would help me gain the tools I need to take it to the next level. I want to make this blog better, so I can reach more people and influence more lives.

Don't worry, you don't need to do anything about this. This post is just my petition to the conference organizers to let them know why I would like to attend the conference...for me, for you, for fitness. :)
