Surf's Up at Equinox

Equinox is known for their inovative training. So I wasn't too surprised to hear that they recently developed a class dedicated to surfing.

I only had one question: Am I going to get wet? Silly me.

VIPR SURF is a new muscle-building, flexibilty-increasing, calorie-torching class taught at Equinox in Santa Monica. Though the lessons are meant to help you with your boarding skills, the answer is no, you won't get wet.

Along with Equinox's other VIPR workouts, SURF utilizes a large 8 pound rubber "pipe" to perform a sequence of movements designed to sculpt the body. In this class specifically the exercises are meant to emulate surf-related movements and build muscles that will help you in the water.

Our routine began with a warm-up, followed by creatively named moves like Push the Wave, Rock the Beach, and Tilt the Board. The "pipe" was quite heavy but manageable, and I could feel my muscles being molded.

The next morning sealed my confidence in the program...I could barely walk I was so sore.

The great thing about this class is that it works for everyone, not just surfers. So while it may help you hang ten, it will also help you look like a ten.

Classes begin August 16th at the Santa Monica club. To try it out, comment below on your favorite summer activity. I'll pick a winner by Friday to try out VIPR SURF for free!
