5 Reasons Why I Love Brooke Burke

I love Brooke Burke.
Today I had the pleasure of interviewing her for the second time and she was just as outgoing and sweet as the time before.

Refreshing considering a lot of celebrities act like it's an annoyance to answer questions, even when the questions are about products they are hawking. Brooke is not like that.
When I arrived at the shoot today for Brooke's new lingerie line, intiMINT, the model/host was mingling among her guests, thanking everyone for coming. She wasn't a primadonna, sitting in a private area. She was sipping champagne, chatting up friends, and enjoying her time. She is awesome.

 Potpourri bundle station

Here's 5 more reasons why...
1. She's from Tucson, AZ. 
Holla! Many of you know that I too am from Tucson (Brooke and I went to rivaling high schools). That's street cred enough right there to get a thumbs up in my book.

2. She's not obsessed with her looks.

Let me tell you, it has been hot and humid here recently and on the rooftop at Petit Ermitage today we reached the pinnacle of this oppressive weather.

Everyone was sweating balls even though it was only 11 a.m. and shady. But Brooke didn't miss a beat. The gracious host stayed with the group and didn't' spend her time getting hair/makeup touch ups every 5 seconds, unlike some other celebrities I know.

3. She remembered me.

When someone you've met once at a party remembers you, it's rare. I am certainly guilty of needing more than one introduction before remembering someone. But with celebs, you can meet them like 10 times and they'll never remember you.

Brooke remembered who I was right away (after only meeting once), and even what we talked about the last time. That is impressive, and a very savvy skill for anyone looking to make a good impression in any industry.

4. She doesn't lie about her diet.

A lot of celebrities tell everyone they eat junk food and then in reality, starve themselves. The last time I talked to Brooke she told me that she eats very healthy most of the time (salads, fish, protein shakes), but treats herself every once in a while. When I saw her eating ice cream at the
last event and drinking champagne this time, I knew she was telling the truth.

My biggest pet peeve is actresses making real women feel bad by saying that they are naturally thin and can just eat cheeseburgers all day, when they really spend a ton of time and effort trying to stay thin. It's not magic, and it's not cool to pretend like it is.
5. She does it ALL.

Brooke has four kids, five pets, one husband, runs her own website, hosts Dancing with the Stars, creates lingerie, stays in touch with fans via social media, supports charities like Operation Smile, and still makes time to exercise and cook healthy meals for her family.

