Hollyweird Boulevard

Today I shot the pilot for a new video series my company is working on out on Hollywood Blvd. 

If you've ever been to L.A., then you've probably been here and know just how weird it is. From the aspiring rappers literally pushing their CD's on you to the "characters" who make their living forcing tourists to pay them for pictures, it can be a a hectic place. Once you go, you really won't want to return for any reason whatsoever. 

Unfortunately for me I have to go often. For premieres, screenings, and stuff like this.

But it's not all bad though, sometimes it can be quite humorous. Here's a few funny things I saw today.

Two Darth Vaders facing off...

What did one Darth Vader say to the other Darth Vader?

Yoda feeling very left out... poor guy...

Tinkerbell making a booty call...

And us.

 Tim, Troy, Thomas, and I blocking the boulevard.

I guess I really have no room to judge. We didn't look all that normal either. 

Things got especially strange when someone drove by and screamed, "I love you, Whitney," out the window.

Weird, I didn't know my Mom was in town.
