I'm baaaack!

Hello, friends!

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I had a lot of big changes over the past year --namely a new job -- and it had me busier than ever, traveling a lot and unable to blog frequently. So I stopped. I know what you're thinking... No goodbye? No gratitude for your loyalty over the past two years? No farewell party? I apologize, L.A. is a selfish city and I'm certainly not immune to her ways. But I'm back now.

Hopefully, you haven't all been completely lost for the past year, munching on cardboard and wandering aimlessly around a 24-hour fitness unsure of what equipment to use. If that's the case, I will do my best to get you back on track with loads of important diet and fitness updates.

However, this time around I'm going to also approach the "live" side of To Live and Diet in L.A. That means I'll be bringing you all along on my misadventures in Hollywood. From the red carpet to rundown city streets, I'm going to show you what it's really like living the "glamorous" life of an Entertainment Reporter.

From fad diets to faking high fashion, I'll take you with me as I try to keep up with Kardashian's, Cruise's (or, I guess Cruise/Holmes' now), and Klum's of the industry. Not only will I fill you in on my efforts to stay in shape, I'll also be letting you know what I find out about the stars: who's cleansing, who's hitting the gym, and who's simply starving.

Look forward to a behind the scenes glimpse of fun, fashion, food and fitness in Hollywood. In the meantime, here's a little montage of what I've been up to for the past year...

I can't wait to take you along on my next adventures!
