I Totally Got Tebow-ed

People have a wide variety of opinions about quarterback Tim Tebow. 

Being someone who knows absolutely nothing about professional sports (except that he’s that hot, virgin football player, right?), I really had no preconceived notion of what he would be like.

Yesterday morning I had the privilege of working out with The Big Tebowski and I must say, he is awesome.

As a part of his partnership with FRS energy, Tim participated in a three-hour workout and brunch at a gym in Westwood. And this wasn’t some sissy product pushing party, this was an intense circuit training session, where everyone (including Tebow) was sweating bullets by the end.

I pride myself on being pretty athletic, but some of these exercises were really difficult. 

When I tried to do a “rocket pushup” on a stability ball like Tim did (which was actually not even required of the press participants), I smacked myself in the face. Yes, it was just as embarrassing as it sounds.

Still, Tim told me I was doing a great job, which was very considerate of him given the circumstances.

Besides actually getting down and dirty with us journalists, the thing that I liked the most about Tebow was how open and honest he was, a rare trait in “celebrities.”

At the end of a 45 minute Q&A that was predominately about health and fitness, I finally squeezed in the one question that I knew my female readers would be dying for: “Are you in a relationship and what do you look for in a woman?”

Well, Tebow’s peeps did not appreciate this question. But being the super cool dude he is, Tim insisted on answering it.

Though I’m not going to tell you his full answer (you’ll have to read about it on SheKnows), I can tell you that he isn’t hooking up with Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Lindsay Vonn, or any other Hollywood starlet.

One last reason I dig Tebow, we both eat six egg whites for breakfast everyday. That says a lot about a person. 

Photos courtesy FRS.
