Mrs. English Goes to Hollywood

I'm so happy! My mom and sister are in town for the weekend.

After the exhausting 24 hours I had yesterday, it's been nice to have my family here to chill out. Unlike on their usual visits, they're actually not driving me crazy... yet.

My mom is definitely one of those star-struck tourists, no matter how much she tries to deny it. So whenever she is here, I do my best to play tour guide and take her to all the "cool" spots and plan activities where she might just meet a celebrity.

On one of her first trips, we ran into Mel Gibson at Boa, and it's been pretty hard to top that.

Another time, Mark Whalberg "checked us out" during breakfast at Toast (her words, not mine).

Though she didn't even know who he was prior to this encounter, she now has a New Kids on the Block poster in her bedroom. I'll let you judge whether that's a joke.

She also likes to inform almost anyone she meets that her daughter once interned for Ryan Seacrest. Basically, she thinks I'm a celebrity by association. 

This visit I'm taking fate out of the equation, and bringing her and my sis to the Total Recall press day tomorrow at The Four Seasons. A big risk, I know.

I'll be interviewing Colin Farrell, Jessica Biel, and Kate Beckinsale in a press conference setting, and they're going to sit in on the session. Though I've expressly informed my mom that she is not to ask any questions, there's no telling what kind of stunts she may pull.

We're off to the movie screening now. 

 I'll update you tomorrow on whether I've been banned from all future Sony events.

*And stay tuned for an awesome fashion post about the sweet jacket I'm rocking in the above pic.*
