Should Fruit be a Free-For-All?

I try to eat as healthy as possible, but I like to eat A LOT.

By a lot, I mean I like to eat often, and big portions. So for snacking purposes I try to stick to fruits and veggies, which are relatively low calorie. But even those can pile up.

While enjoying a mid-day bowl of strawberries this afternoon, I was brought back to a common question about fruits' benefit or harm when it comes to dieting...

I often hear people saying that you can eat as much fruits and vegetables as you like, and you won't gain weight. Or, I'll see my friends rolling their eyes when I add up the number of calories in my mixed fruit salad.

Weight Watchers even downgraded fruit to a "no points" food, meaning you can eat as much as you want and don't have to count it in your daily diet log.

On the flip side, I've heard of diets that prohibit fruits. I've heard people say that bananas are bad, and berries are good. And I've even heard fruit compared to candy bars.

So what's the truth?

I found this article on that summed it up pretty well.

  1. Fruits do contain sugar which should be limited in any diet. But the sugar in your banana is not the same as the sugar in candy bars.
  2. Fruits can be high in carbohydrates. So if you're trying to limit them in your diet, you have to factor in the carbs in your fruit and not just your wheat products. An average banana has about 27 carbs and 14 grams of sugar.
  3. Weight loss is about calories in vs. calories out. Sooooo, if you go over your daily allotted calories, it doesn't matter whether it's ice cream or fruit, it still counts.
  4. BUT, unlike candy bars, the sugar in fruit (fructose) is not automatically converted to fat. It's only converted to fat if you have to much of it.

Bottom line:

Fruit is good for your diet, just eat it in moderation.

Pick fruits like strawberries and blueberries, which have half the sugar of bananas. Raspberries are great too, as they have a ton of fiber, and will keep you fuller longer.

Weigh in: 

What do you guys think? Do you avoid fruit when dieting? Do you think certain fruits are better than others?
