Bethenny Frankel's Book...Is Actually Awesome!

I usually don't read books written by celebrities.
Especially if those celebrities are only famous for being famous and have absolutely no prior experience writing. Mostly my guilty pleasure reading consists of self-help books like these

But seriously, I never got into Chelsea Handler's boozy books or  Lauren's Conrad's Hills-esque fiction, but something about Bethenny Frankel's new book, Skinnydipping, just drew me in.

I think it was the colorful cover. I pick my books like I pick my wine. I like pretty ones.
Anyway, I gobbled it up over the weekend and must say it was actually a very entertaining read.
Don't expect any Pulitzer prizes here, but if you like a good saccharine summer novel (I'm talking to you Fifty Shades of Grey readers), this book is right up your alley.

And if you're a fan of Bethenny from her Real Housewives' of New York days, then you'll definitely enjoy it. Though B tried to claim in interviews that this is pure fiction, I definitely saw some Countess LuAnn and Jill Zarin resemblances in there.

The main characters name is also Faith Brightstone. Get it, FB...BF?

And there are a ton of other references clearly pulled from Bethenny's charmed life. A dog named after a baked good, a racy past posing topless, and a happy ending complete with a hubby, a baby girl, and a daytime talk show.

My only gripe is the book's title: Skinnydipping. Despite one extremely unimportant scene in the beginning, there is no skinnydipping in the book, or anything that symbolizes it. It was obviously just an easy way to incorporate Bethenny's "SkinnyGirl" brand into the book.

Weigh in: What are you reading right now? What book would you be embarrassed to say you read but secretly love?

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