I Feel For Rashida Jones

Everyone has a horror story of a good date gone bad.

In Celeste and Jesse Forever, co-writer/star Rashida Jones actually acts out some of hers and I must say, they take the cake. Warning, this story might not be safe for children.
Photo credit: Sony Picture Classics

After Rashida's character Celeste separates from her husband/best friend Jesse (played by Andy Samberg), she goes on a string of really bad dates. The most memorable was one with a photojournalist at the Chateau Marmont.  
The night seems to be going fabulous, and the two are really hitting it off. They dine and drink in the dude's suite overlooking the lights of Hollywood, and he impresses her with his tales of traveling in war-torn countries. It's all very romantic.

When they start to hook-up though, things take a turn for the worst. After some heavy petting, her date starts to dry hump her and fondle himself until he, hm hm, finishes. 

So gross.

 When I interviewed Rashida recently I questioned her about this scene, and to my surprise it's oh so true. Watch the interview on SheKnows.com.

Though I've been in a relationship for almost the entire five years I've lived out here, I've had a couple of weird dates too.

I once met up with a guy for a drink at The Hudson after giving him my number on a napkin on a dare from my girlfriends.
Photo Credit: poorgirlsbrie.com

He seemed to be the total package. Cute, tall, successful (an agent, not an agent's assistant). Our convo flowed really well and I started to think, "Hey, this guy might have some potential."

Apparently he thought I had potential too, and began to suggest travel plans for the two of us with his parents. 

Woah, hit the breaks... trips, parents? We were only halfway into our first glass of white wine. You need to buy me dinner before asking me if I like Paris in the fall. Freaky.

Obviously, I nipped that promptly in the bud. Check please.

While this doesn't come close to comparing to Rashida's experience, I feel her and my single girlfriend's pain. Dating is not easy in Los Angeles. 

What's your worst date experience? Share below!

And be sure to catch Celeste and Jesse Forever in theaters in LA/NY today! It is amaze.
