Kicking it with Katie Couric

Now I know I said that Tuesday was a very exciting day (you know with the protein bars and all), but yesterday was definitely the most exciting interview of my career thus far.
I have had the privilege of chatting with George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, Susan Sarandon, Cameron Diaz, and the list goes on. But none have come close to being as personally fullfilling as this.

Yesterday I got to interview a role model of mine, and one of the most inspiring women in my field: Katie Couric. 

I was invited to the ABC newsroom in Glendale to interview Katie about her new daytime talk show, Katie, premiering on September 10th.
The only celeb interview that made me as nervous and excited as I was yesterday, was when I got to meet Jennifer Aniston (she was my first Friend afterall).

Katie was a sweetheart though. 

She completely put me as ease and was extremely gracious with her answers. It must come from knowing what it's like to be on the interviewer's end. 

She even helped me fix my mic when the wire was hanging out.
We chatted about her new show, her best and worst celebrity interviews, and what she thinks of Kate Middleton (stay tuned to SheKnows for that).

When I was cut off at the end of our interview before I finished my questions, Katie told her handlers to let me ask a few more and she happily answered them.

I spent the rest of the day on a major high. Between this and The Newsroom I'm totally feeling inspired to start reporting on more hard news...

...or Katie's rock-hard bod. 
Can you believe the biceps on this 55-year-old? I hear she goes to Barry's Bootcamp, so that makes sense. 

Get it girl!

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