My Close Encounter with Kim Kardashian

I know I've had a lot of Kardashian coverage on the site in the past week so I'd just like to say: "I'm sorry, and you're welcome." Whether you like Kim K or not, you're all going to love this story.
Today I had a fitness shoot at Barry's Bootcamp in Sherman Oaks, Kim K's favorite place to get her sweat on. I interviewed Barry's trainer Martin George, who has worked with Kim several times, and had him show me how to do a few of her favorite moves.
After the shoot, Martin asked me if I would like to try a full class. Although I was pretty exhausted (I had a late night Sunday between True Blood and Newsroom), I decided to stay and try it out. 
Well, you can imagine my surprise when none other than Kim Kardashian herself walked into the class. 

It was fate.

I wanted to tell her that I had just shot a segment about her, but decided that when you stumble upon a celeb in the wild, it's best to observe from a safe distance. For me, this was one treadmill away.

I tried to snap an inconspicuous shot of her (for research purposes of course), but it's a little blurry.
It's her though, trust.

Kim did surprisingly well in the class. While she wasn't the fastest one on the treadmill or lifting the most weight, she never quit. She did however, spend a good deal of time texting on her phone, but can you blame her? Kanye is probably very needy.

Unlike a couple of times that I encountered her on the red carpet, she was actually super nice. 

Before the class she lifted up her top to adjust some sort of waist band she was wearing and I, along with another bootcamper, asked her what it was.

Apparently she was trying out a wrap that is supposed to make you lose weight in the area that it is covering. Although I think this is a total load of crap, I didn't want to burst her bubble.

Kim smiled and told us that it was her first time trying it, and she would let us know after class if it worked.

Now to the two questions you all are wondering...

No, she wasn't wearing any makeup. Yes, she still looked gorgeous.
And yes, she looks like she does on TV: Petite, fit, and packing a bootylicious behind.

I was so glad I stayed for the class. Not just because I got to race Kim K on the treadmill (of course only I knew about this race), but because it was an awesome, hardcore workout.
Here's what I looked like at the end. Super gross and sweaty, but super satisfied. I can feel the weekend's mistakes melting away as I type.

**Special thanks to my bud Shenae over at De Rex Actionwear for my sweet running shorts!**
