The Best Protein Bar Ever

Today was a very exciting day. 

Today I ate The. Best. Protein Bar. EVER.

If you know me well, then you know I typically don't exaggerate. (Except of course when I'm talking about my athletic skills and that's only because I'm still reveling in my pre-pubecent glory days as a swimmer. I was practically the Ryan Lochte of the Eastern Hills Orcas. Sorry I'm not sorry.)

Moving on...

Today after putting my guns through Katie's Killer Arm Workout, I decided to check out the snack bar at my gym to look for something to refuel.

I usually avoid protein bars because they are really just glorified candy bars, packed with fat and sugar, that I end up consuming in mass quantities as after dinner snacks. 

But I saw these, and gave the nutrition stats a peek.

Quest Bars range from 160 to 210 calories with almost no saturated fat and a scare amount of sugar. 

Despite their low-cal status they are still the same size as your average bar and taste amazing. They also have about 20 grams of protein each.

They are sweetened with stevia and claim to have "no sugar or artificial sweeteners," and come in 11 delicious flavors. So far, Cinnamon Roll is my favorite.

And because they have about 17-18 grams of fiber each, they keep you full forever.

With other protein bars, they're always lacking in one area: 

if they're lo-cal, they're high fat... 
...or if they're fat-free, they're high sugar... 
...or if they're sugar-free, they taste like crap...
...or they're low everything, including protein. You just can't win.

With Quest, you really cannot ask for a better bar.*

Seriously, if you know of a better one, I want to know. But I really don't think there is one.

Pick them up at GNC. I'm stocking up on these like the apocalypse is coming....they would make great bomb shelter fuel.

*I am not a spokesperson for Quest nor have I been asked by anyone to promote these. Just a very enthusiastic new fan of this amazeballs product.

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