Eating Healthy on the Road

When you're trying to stay healthy while traveling, the continental breakfast at your hotel just isn't going to cut it. With selections like cherry-filled danishes, bagels, and sugar-coated cereal, you really don't have many options to form a balanced breakfast.

Every once in a while, you get lucky with an omelet bar that has egg-whites or some fat-free plain yogurt with fresh fruit, but it's unlikely.

This past weekend on my trip up the coast, I wasn't lucky.

So what did I do? Headed to Starbucks.

Now before you start blasting me with the stats on Frappachinos and "reduced-fat" muffins, let me explain. Starbucks actually has some really healthy breakfast options. 

My fav: the Perfect Oatmeal.
Ditch the dried fruit (100 calories) and the brown sugar (50 calories), and replace with cinnamon, and a sliced banana (80 calories). You can keep the almonds if you like (100 calories), and the whole thing only adds up to about 320 calories with a nice balance of carbs and fat.

I like to compliment this with a tall half non-fat/half soy latte, with an extra shot of espresso. This completes the protein aspect of the meal for approximately, 100 calories. And the soy adds a hint of vanilla, without any artificial sweeteners. Delish!

The boyfriend likes to get the Reduced-Fat Turkey Bacon and Egg White Sandwich.  
This baby also weighs in at 320 calories. With 18 grams of healthy protein and 3 grams of fiber from the multigrain english muffin, this is a great choice to get a healthy balance of fat, protein and carbs.

He likes to jazz his breakfast up with an unsweetened black ice tea with a splash of soy milk. The milk makes it tastes like a latte without all the extra cals (this one weighs in around 20).

Now if you're a numbers person you're thinking, "Whitney totally eats more calories than her boyfriend!" First off: What are you a scientist? I demand a recount! 

Second, he totally eats two sandies sometimes (sorry babe, I had to throw you under the bus to preserve my image).

Some other cheap, healthy on-the-go options are:
Thanks to our healthy meals, the bf and I accomplished the 11.5 mile Berry Creek Falls hike through the Big Basin State Park, near Santa Cruz.
Some other highlights from the trip...
 Watching the elephant seals flopping around on the beach at Piedras Blancas...
Seeing the sunset along the coast...
Checking out Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey...

And the Aquarium...
And of course grubbing on some local fare...
Come Sunday I'll be traveling again for New York Fashion Week, meaning another week of Starbreezy oatmeal. 

They should seriously be paying me for this free advertisement... 
...with a lifetime of breakfast sandwiches.

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