Hello Fergie, Farewell Fashion Week

Well, that's it folks. Fashion Week is officially over.

And just in time too... I was running out of band-aids and my feet couldn't handle another blister.

I would say my last couple of days have definitely been the best.

Wednesday night we sat second row at Whitney Port's Whitney Eve show and got to go backstage and mingle with the beautiful people after.
We saw former model and Real Housewives of New York star Kelly Bensimon...
...got an upclose look at the pretty Spring prints...

She's bringing back the ankle bracelet people, get excited.

Later that night we headed over to a party and fashion show for Case-Mate, hosted by Fergie.

Now, I am a big fan of Fergie.

From nicknaming myself Engalicious to telling people I am "working on my fitness" at the gym to sobbing uncontrollably on several occasions while listening to "Big Girls Don't Cry," Fergie has been a major influence in my life over the years.

So when The Dutchess herself complimented me on my cool cell phone cover and similar black, power-shoulder blazer (even though New York and Co. can't really compete with Balmain), I was super pumped.
She even insisted on letting me take a picture with her after her peeps tried to thwart my photo opp.

We share a similar love of stella + dot jewelry too which she informed me of, and told me her sis is a rep for them.
I was amazed at how petite and fit she is. She looks awesome on TV, but in person, you could tell she definitely does spend a lot of time working on her fitness.

Ok, enough gushing about my major girl crush. Yesterday was pretty exciting as well.

If you're a fan of Real Housewives of New York, you're going enjoy this. Catherine and I got to go to LuAnn de Lesseps uptown penthouse and get a tour and fashion show from The Countess herself.
Her digs were awesome, decorated in a totally chic black, white, red, and zebra theme.

She even modeled some of the dresses from her upcoming clothing line for us. You'll have to check SheKnows next week for more on that and all the juicy gossip I got from her about this season of RHONY.

Curious how things are going with her a Jacques? Then don't miss this article!

I'm off to Washington D.C. for the weekend, back to NYC for a brief stint on Tuesday, and then finally returning to my beloved L.A. just in time for Emmy's weekend.

Happy Fashion Week Finale Friday!

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