I'm Off to South Africa

Adios amigos!

Or I should say: "Sala kahle." That's Zulu for "Goodbye." 

I'm peacing out to South Africa.
I will be gone for two weeks. 
I know, I know. You're going to miss me. 
Well dry off your MacBook and pull yourself together, because I have several posts scheduled to keep you company while I am gone. 
Since I won't be doing any "Hollywood-related" activities on my safari, I won't be able to keep you abreast on how to "live" in L.A. So, my posts will all be recipes for your L.A. "diet."
When I get back I'll be sure to give you a full recap on all of the exciting things I plan on doing...

...that is if the great whites don't finish me off during my cage dive.
 I'm guessing he's not a vegan?
