To Live and Diet in N.Y.C.

With non-stop running around town, I haven't had much time for proper meals.
Most of the time I have been just stuffing my face with protein bars.
Thank god for Think Thin and the surplus they gave us at the Sammi Sweetheart show.
I did find a great juicery after my morning walk through Central Park and was able to cram some greens in my diet.
I call it the "Triple Threat Workout."
I got my cardio going, some light strength training thanks to the 2-pound juices, and a nutritional greens boost at the end.
Another life saver I discovered yesterday was Hale and Hearty.
This chain restaurant has fresh made-to-order salads with all the nutrional info listed right where you order.
We need this in L.A.! I'm considering opening a franchise when I get back.
It's been a blast so far though.

On Monday I met up with Cristina and sat front row at the Abbey Dawn show by Avril Lavigne.
Kendall Jenner was there (looking like a rail) to support her sis Kylie who walked in the show.
In true Dash family divatom the ladies were NOT available for interviews.

Catherine and I have also been enjoying checking out all the new trends for Spring, scoping out street style, and hanging backstage at some of the shows.
Trying out some sparkling tequila.
Checking out the Rachel Roy 2013 Spring collection at her showroom.
And resting our weary feet at Lincoln Center between shows.
We even had our own pics snapped in the street yesterday. C's outfit was a big hit.
Tonight will be busy as well, as we have a backstage interview with Whitney Port at her Whitney Eve show and a sit-down with the Fergie.

I'll be sure to update you on all that soon.

In the meantime follow me on Twitter for Fashion Week updates in real time!
