Weigh Low: Butternut Squash Pancakes

Now I it's Labor Day, and you're not supposed to be working at all, but the amazing Gigi Dubois from "Gigi Eats Celebrities" has graciously slaved over a hot stove to bring you this recipe. So, do yourself a favor and make these fantastic flapjacks this morning.

Guest Post

Butternut Squash Pancakes from Gigi Eats Celebrities:

"Massive, fluffy, sugar-dusted Frisbee sized flapjacks smothered with maple syrup and a thundercloud of whipped cream all topped off with rainbow sprinkles and a maraschino cherry. Sounds more like an erotic novel than a breakfast you might find being served up to people crammed into a blue paten leather booth at iHop.

Unfortunately the above obscenity is a likely sight at any breakfast diner, or gasp, your kitchen?

Oh wow, I am trying to rid images of Paula Deen getting down and dirty in the world’s largest pancake right now. 
Any ways…. while that breakfast (or lunch or dinner, hey who said pancakes need to stop being served after 10 a.m.) may sound better than that romp in the sack last night, moist pancakes really are no better for your body than a bucket of lard.
Wait, correction. Four pancakes amount to 1100 calories while a 1/2-cup of lard packs in 922 calories, so you would actually be better off digging your spoon into a tub of the grease!
Okay. Put down the spoon and back away slowly from that vat of lard. I was just kidding. What I am not kidding about though is that I have the perfect replacement for your sugar stack obsession.
Roasted butternut squash pancakes.
Before you start gagging and heading to the pantry for your Bisquik, hear me out. These alternatives are tremendously indulgent, just like the originals, with an added bonus: they actually have loads of health promoting properties.
Butternut squash is teeming with vitamin A and fiber (to keep you regular, but of course), while egg whites are packed to the shell with protein (see what I did there?).
Lets get to the bottom of how to make these iHop-rivaling treats.
First things first, you must head into the produce section of your grocery store and find the phallic shaped gourd called butternut squash.

After you make your jokes about the fruit (that’s right, it contains seeds) and pretend you have an extra large “willy” it’s time to peel, slice and dice.
Next, turn the oven to 400 degrees, grab a large baking dish, coat it with olive oil spray (I actually throw tin foil down first for easy cleaning), and toss the squash onto the tray. Then spray with more olive oil and stick it in the food sauna, okay, oven.
It will take about an hour for the squash to cook, depending on how much you buy. But keep an eye on it, don’t leave it in the oven and go... you know (since this post is so sexual lets keep it that way).

Remember that in a half hours time, you’re going to have to toss the squash around so they can get somewhat evenly cooked on all sides (insert more sexual innuendos here).
Since a squash yields a few days worth of pancakes (especially if you’re just making them for yourself ), it’s good to get a large, heat-safe storage container so you can keep the leftovers in the fridge. I actually make a week’s worth of squash so I can celebrate every morning with “cake”. 
When the squash is done, you can transfer most of it into the container and store away for the follow day, or later that night when the munchies surface. For one large pancake about 4 to 6 ounces of squash is recommended depending on how hungry you are, so set that aside.
Now it’s time to get out a skillet and spray with olive oil spray. Oh did I mention anything about egg whites? Well you will need those too, so take them out of the fridge. About 1/4 cup will do.

Pour them into the skillet. Now arrange the squash on top of the egg whites like the picture illustrates. At this point I like to sprinkle my creation with cinnamon, but each to their own.
Turn on the stove to medium heat and get a magazine, because the most important step to making these is patience. Do not flip too soon, or else you will wind up with a bigger mess than Lindsey Lohan.
When you start to smell Thanksgiving, you know it’s very close to flipping time.

Test the edges, as shown in the picture, and if nothing is sticking to the bottom of the pan, flip like the ace pancake flipper that you are. BAM! Perfection!

Let it sit on the oven for another minute or two, wipe the drool off of your face, grab yourself a plate, turn off the stove (yes, I have been the idiot to not turn off the burner, just once though), and serve up this marvelous creation. I personally love to top the finished product off with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a dusting (or more depending on your taste) of stevia.
While it may be hard to resist shoving this pie like treat into your trap before sitting down, do yourself a favor and sit at the table and really savor the flavors and the texture.

This is not a one night stand you’re trying to finish so you can get out as quickly as possible, this will be a long lasting relationship because the ease and lack of ingredients for such a high quality meal will have you coming back for more.

Suck on that iHop!" -Gigi Dubois.

Gigi is a freakin riot. For more from this little firecracker, check out Gigi's blog, Gigi Eats Celebrities and watch her videos on YouTube.

Thanks G!
