Whitney Walks Washington D.C.

After almost two weeks on the road in "pedestrian friendly" cities like New York and Washington D.C., I have finally realized one of the main reasons I have failed to lose those pesky 5 pounds for the past 10 years...

I sit around on my lazy arse too darn much!
Being forced to walk everywhere has really been a blessing in disguise. Despite not having enough time to workout everyday, the 5+ miles I end up walking has kept me is shape.

This weekend I walked about 20 miles between sight seeing in D.C. on Saturday and a 9 mile hike in the Shenandoah National Park on Sunday.

Though I saw a lot of D.C. and Virginia on my 8th grade class trip, I was a little too focused on whether my crush Marc was going to sit next to me on the bus then where our ancestors fought for our freedom.
This time I really took it all in...
The Washington Monument
The World War II Memorial. Very "F-yeah America," wouldn't you say?
The Korean War Memorial
My boyfriend's favorite Monument...wonder why?
The Vietnam Memorial
After a serious day of contemplating our nation's history, I had one thing on my mind...
...imagine if I walked 5 miles on top of my daily workout. I'd probably be at my goal in no time!
Unfortunately, I live and work in lazy L.A. where I am glued to my computer most of the day and leave the house only to drive my car down the driveway to pick up my mail.
Ok, I'm not that bad, but close.
From now on things are going to change though. No more driving places that are under a mile away.
That's it.

Sunday featured an even more intense walk-a-thon when we clocked 9 miles on one of the East Coast's most famous hikes, Old Rag.
My boyfriend's sister Mary, a fellow fitness enthusiast, took us here knowing how much we enjoy outdoor activities.
The hike was intense. But with gorgeous views and challenging rock scrambles, well worth it.
It was also a good pre-cursor to some seriously unhealthy, but delicious, burgers we wolfed down later that evening. 
As you can see, I exerted a lot of energy.
If you ever make it out to Madison County, I highly recommend this hike. Just make sure to wear comfortable shoes, and bring plenty of water and snacks. Mary prepared us well with individual almond and dried fruit bags--thanks Mar!

Before leaving D.C. on Monday, I had to make one more stop....The Newseum.
If you're a journalist or just a news junkie, you will love this museum. Not only is it fun to say, but it's also very educational.
Remnants of the Berlin Wall

My favorite part was the FBI's Most Wanted exhibit. 
J. Edgar (personally I think Leo was cuter)
What do you think, would I have made a good G-Man?

If you ever visit the Newseum and you're a member of the press, show your credentials for a $4 discount. It will go a long way...to buying you a water at the food court.
See you back in L.A. dieters.
*Thanks to New Balance for my sweet kicks.
