How to Get Eliza Coupe's Hot Bod

After eating a lot of crap in South Africa over the past two weeks, I have been feeling less than stellar body image-wise. 

So when I went to the season premiere screening of Happy Endings last night (one of my absolute fav shows right now) and saw how freaking fabulous Eliza Coop looks in person, it really didn't help to stifle the bitchy Whitney in my head telling me I was two seconds away from a high school prom repeat.

If I had a picture to show you, you'd understand. 

Too tight white dress + 15 excess lbs = a startling resemblance to a baby beluga whale.

Usually a situation like this might backfire and cause me to go into a froyo spiral, only ending when I'd consumed at least 3/4 of a quart of french vanilla. But this time was different.
Eliza Coop was so cool. Unlike other actresses (who I've told you, do this all the time), Eliza didn't downplay what it takes to get her abtastic results.

I overheard the actress launch into a two minute lecture of her rigorous diet and exercise routine.

"I take feedings every three hours," she told a reporter. Feedings, ha, love her humor.

Green juices, oat bran, protein powder, eggs, and veggies were just a few of the staples she listed. In addition, she clocks an hour or so of Tracy Anderson DVD's in her bedroom every morning, followed by an hour long hike in the afternoon.

Hearing the effort she puts in to get her amazing results inspired me, instead of bumming me out. 

Usually you see an actress pretending to enjoy mini burgers at an event when you know it's the first thing she's put in her mouth all day, and you feel dejected because you know you don't have the "discipline" to do the same. 

With Eliza, I got an honest explanation of the hard work it takes to get a healthy body, and it doesn't involve starvation.

I'll raise a Coupe to that.

And check out my articles on SheKnows today for news of what's to come on this season of Happy Endings and a look at the ladies style.

