How to Look Good in Pictures

My friend Katie recently commented on the way I pose for pictures, and wanted to know what the trick is to looking good in them. 
Well, my calculated stance comes from years of watching celebs pose on the red carpet and stealing their secrets.
Some people think it looks phony, but I think it's a good way to avoid awkward and uncomfortable angles and to put your best foot, or side I should say side, forward.

Now, if I tell you this, please don't start analyzing every pic you see on this blog and say, "Oh my gosh, she's doing it again! What a freak."  

I already know this.

Tips to Looking Good in Pictures:

1. Find your best side. 

Take a good long look in the mirror at each side of your face and figure out which you look better from. Maybe you're one of those angelic creatures who's blessed with two good sides. In that case... stop reading this post and go celebrate in a photo booth.
Mine is my left. Knowing which side is your "best" side is a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing when you can control where you stand in your pictures, and a curse when you obsess over it and insist on always standing on the left. But who does that?

2. Stand up straight.
You know how your mom always told you this? It's never more important than in a pic. Don't slouch, throw back your shoulders, and stand like a proud peacock.

3. Always try to angle yourself to the side in group photos.
Side shots are slimming.

4. Do something with your hands.
Hold your purse, throw your arm around your friend, put your hand on your hip, etc. If you stand with both your arms hanging down by your sides like a monkey, you're going to look bad.
Hands on your hips show off your muscles, and prevent dreaded arm-fat.

5. If you're posing head-on, point your toes inward. 
 Crossing your legs is another good option.
It makes your legs look thinner. Just trust me on this one.

Keep these tips in mind as the holiday season approaches and you're less likely to have a batch of unsavory family photos this year.
