Spooky Treats for a Faboolous Halloween Party

Ghost pizza anyone?

Since Halloween is on a Wednesday (and I try to take it easy on "school nights"), I decided to celebrate early with a Pumpkin Carving Party this weekend.
But just because everyone else is shoving Twix down their throats this time of year, doesn't mean I was about to serve up unhealthy snacks to my guests. No, I found a few faboolous Halloween munchies to make that won't cost you a week at the gym. 

They're delicious and super easy to make, so you won't be spending your evening in the kitchen while everyone else in enjoying the festivities.

Ghost Pizza 

Idea courtesy SheKnows.com. Like my outfit? Get the Look!


Whole Wheat Pizza Crust, Whole Foods or Boboli (80 cals per serving)
Pizza Sauce (10)
Orange Bell Peppers
Olives (10)
Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese Slices (30)


 1. Use a knife or cookie cutters to cut ghost shapes out of the mozzarella cheese. I did mine by hand with a knife. They're ghosts, they don't have to be perfect!
2. Do the same with the orange bell pepper, and carve mini pumpkins.
3. Top pizza with all your favorite ingredients, putting the ghosts and pumpkins on last.

4. Use tiny pieces of olive to make eyes and mouths for your ghosts.

5. Toss in the oven at 350 for about 12 minutes.

Total Calories: Approximately 130 a slice

Candy Corn Cookies


Betty Crocker Carrot Cake Mix

Pumpkin Puree


1. Follow the recipe here.

2. Optional: Add frosting and/or candy corn to make them more "Halloweeny." (This part is not healthy, obviously).

Total Calories: 90 (without frosting/candy)

I completed my Halloween party theme by serving some Mauled Apple Cider, courtesy Martha Stewart. Pssst: after the cider was heated, some of the guest spiked theirs. 
All the fab treats gave us the fuel we needed to produce some top of the line pumpkins.

I bet you can't guess who won the carving contest...

Halloween isn't over though. I plan on hitting up Adam Levine's annual party on Wednesday night at the Hollywood Cemetery. Super Spooky.

Weigh in: What are you doing for Halloween? Are you dressing up? What are you going to be??
