Weigh-Low: Low-Carb Vegan Tacos

It's Taco Tuesday folks, holla!

Because I tend to avoid ground beef, I made a veganized version of tacos using lentils. Before you make a bitter beef face in disgust, give it a try.

I swear to Taco Bell that these taste just like the amazingly greasy, but delicious, tacos on Jack in the Box's $.99 menu. 

You know, those ones that you wolfed down in college after a late night chugging PBR and they tasted sort of mushy but awesome at the same time??

Ok, you caught me. I never drank PBR, but you get the picture.

Well, these are like that, but with way less calories.

I also recently found these fabulous low-carb taco shell's at my favorite store, Lo Carb U, that really seal the deal.
Low-Carb Vegan Lentil Tacos

Lentils (Trader Joes)
Cheddar Almond Cheese (Whole Foods)


1. Divide a half a cup of lentils (120 cals) between three low-carb taco shells (105 cals).
2. Add an ounce of almond cheese (60 cals) and salsa.
3. Pop in the microwave for about a minute.

4. Add toppings: lettuce, tomato, and 1/4 of a medium avocado (60 cals).

5. Serve with fat-free greek yogurt on the side as a sour cream substitute (optional).

Total Calories: 365, for three tacos
These have 5 grams of healthy fat compared to 22 grams of bad fat in Jack in the Box's version.

Ay caramba! That's awesome.

Serve with carrots and Trader Joe's low-cal ranch for a full meal.

Note: If you don't want to buy the Low-Carb Taco Shells, average crunchy corn shells are about 50 cals each (not much more). You can also use regular cheese if you like, but the shredded almond cheese from Whole Foods is fabulous.

