Weigh-Low: Microwave "Baked" Sweet Potato

Happy Monday folks!

Need a quick and easy lunch for work AND a great way to take out your beginning of the week aggression? Stab a spud!

A sweet potato topped with fat-free greek yogurt tastes a million times better than your average baked tater with sour cream, and has a ton less calories.

I eat this for lunch or a mid day snack at least twice a week.

It's so easy to make, even at work!

A lot of time people make excuses for eating bad snacks at work because they're too busy to prepare healthy meals to bring. 

Do you have enough time to pick up a cup of yogurt and raw sweet potato at the grocery store? And throw it in your purse and bring it to work?

Then you have time to make this delicious lunch.

It will also give you something constructive to do in the break room after a fight with your boss/co-worker.

"Baked" Sweet Potato w/ Fat-Free "Sour Cream"


1. Rinse potato and lightly scrub with your hands.

2. Stab your potato multiple times on all sides. It's ok, go totally American Psycho on that spud. The puncture wounds will help your potato steam.
3. Wrap potato in a paper towel.

4. Heat on high in the microwave for about 6-7 minutes.
5. Unwrap, cut in half and serve.

6. Top with non-fat greek yogurt for a sour cream substitute, or go the sweet route, and sprinkle with cinnamon, stevia, and butter substitute.

Total Calories: 100 per spud, 100 for a cup of yogurt.
Quick, easy, and a great stress reliever.
