Election Day Soup: Eat em' to Beet em'

Happy Election Day everyone!

I hope you all got up bright and early before work this morning to cast your votes, and have the super cool stickers to prove it.

While we certainly don't all agree on who to vote for (I'm still pretty heated over a Mormon vs. Moron bumper sticker my mom told me about), there is one thing we can all come together on...

If you don't like soup, well, that's just un-American.  In fact, I'm going to need to see your birth certificate. And your Blockbuster card while we're at it. 

Just kidding. This blog is not a platform for spouting politics. So in the spirit of unity, I give you: Election Day Soup, a bi-partisan creation.

Eat em' to Beet em': Election Day Soup

2 large Beets
1 Sweet Potato
1 small Onion
3 C. Unsweetened Almond Milk (or Chicken Stock)
Minced Garlic
Blue Food Coloring
Nonfat Greek Yogurt


1. Wash, peel, and dice the beets, potato, and onion.
2. Coat a large pot in cooking spray and saute onions for about 5 minutes.

3. Add minced garlic, beets, and potato and cook for about 5 more minutes.
4. Add milk and bring to a boil. Once boiling, turn heat down and simmer for about 20 minutes.
5. Remove pot from heat, add a teaspoon of salt, and let cool.

6. Process mixture in a blender until smooth.
7. In a separate bowl, combine yogurt with blue food coloring.
8. Scoop the blue yogurt into a bowl, then pour about a cup of the beet soup into the bowl.
9. Swirl the colors together. And top with star shaped crackers (optional).
10. Serve immediately.

Now turn on the TV, and wait for tonight's results!

If you can't beat em, beet em!
