Turning "Twi-hard" at the Breaking Dawn 2 Press Day

I saw the first Twilight movie about four years ago and thought it was a major cheesefest. So despite having to report on the stars non-stop for the past few years, I chose to forgo actually watching the flicks.

But for this last film, The Twilight Series: Breaking Dawn Part 2, I actually had to go to the theater and watch the film. I know, it's not out till the 16th, eat your heart out Twihards.

As I couldn't bring a plus one, I was really dreading spending two hours of my evening watching this soft-corn porn for teens, masquerading as a vampire movie.

But about an hour into it...I was hooked. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but let's just say someone needed tissues as they drove home blasting Christina Perri's A Thousand Years.

I'm a sucker for a good love story.

So I was pretty excited yesterday when I got to spend the day at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills with Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and the rest of the cast.
Everyone was super excited to be there, even Rob & Kristen, who despite their recent relationship troubles are officially back together. They were spotted holding hands at Adam Levine's Halloween party on Wednesday night (I ended up missing it, and having to stay home with my sick dragon).

Kristen was actually smiling, a rare occurrence for her. And when I asked her if she was keeping any props as mementos from the Twilight series, she told me she was keeping the engagement ring Rob's character Edward gave her....hmmm, saving it for later?

Read 15 Other Awesome Twilight Facts I learned yesterday... including how Rob was "starstruck" when he met K-Stew.

SheKnows Girl Crush Ashley Greene was stuck in NYC due to Sandy, but luckily I had already chatted her up recently. Check out the video from that interview.
Another gorgeous vamp was there though, Nikki Reed, looking uber stylish.
I was obsessed with her outfit, and she graciously let me take a picture and told me that both the top and shorts with Michael Kors (similar shorts here, and here). I couldn't find her exact shirt either, but you can easily get the look by adding a jeweled peter pan collar to any black t-shirt.

Kellan Lutz looked pretty fab too... but it wasn't his outfit.
I may need to go back and rent the rest of the series now. Don't tell anyone.

Weigh-in: Are you a fan of Twilight? Who's your favorite: Rob, Taylor, or Kellan?
