An Impressive Holiday Dinner for Two

A.K.A. "A Very Tanglish Christmas"

My boyfriend and I always spend Christmas apart, with our families in Tucson (me) and Sacramento (him). So each year, we're never really sure when to do our own gift exchange. This year, now that we're living together, we decided to make up a new tradition and have our own mini Christmas prior to splitting up for the holidays.

We dubbed it: "A very Ta (his last name) nglish (mine) Christmas." Pronounced "tang" like the drink, guh-lish. I think it has a nice ring to it.

I've never bought my own Christmas tree since I am never home for long enough to enjoy it, but for Tanglish Christmas, we decided to take a baby step and bought a mini "Christmas tree."
Ok, so it's a one foot tall Rosemary Bush, but it smells piney and will have an added bonus after the holidays: fresh rosemary for years to come.

We hung stockings, lights, and dressed up Mr. Chow in a festive red bow.
Don't worry, he likes it much more than he's letting on.
And for the meal, an incredibly impressive looking feast. A secret though: it only took me about a half an hour to prepare and an hour to make!
Easy, delicious, and eye-catching....oh yeah, and as always, pretty healthy. 

On the menu: Maple Glazed Cornish Hen with Veggies, Pomegranate Roasted Brussels Sprouts, and a Baked Sweet Potato. And to start, a Pom-Pom Champagne Cocktail.

A Very Tanglish Christmas

Pom-Pom Champs Cocktail
Just mix Champagne with a scoop of pomegranate seeds. Easy and pretty.

Maple Glazed Cornish Hen


1 1/2-2 lb Cornish Hen
10 Baby Carrots
1 Medium Onion, quartered
4 Garlic Cloves
1 T. Cumin
1/4 C. Maple Syrup
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Roasted Pomegranate Brussels Sprouts 

1 Bag of TJ's Brussels Sprouts or about 2 C.
1/4 C. Pomegranate Seeds
2 T. Pomegranate Molasses
1/4 C. Chopped and Toasted Hazelnuts
1 Tb. Diced Orange Peel
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

Baked Sweet Potato

1 Large Sweet Potato
Smart Balance Butter or I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
Cumin (optional)


1. Set oven to 375.
2. Rinse the bird and brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet and set aside.

3. Rinse the brussels sprouts and toss with a tablespoon of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place on a baking sheet and set aside.
4. Rinse the sweet potato and pierce deeply on all four sides.

5. Put all three dishes in the oven. The potato can go straight on the rack.
6. Set the timer for 40 minutes.

7. After 10 minutes, remove the bird, add the carrots, onion, and garlic and return to the oven for 20 more minutes.
8. In a small bowl combine maple syrup and cumin for basting the bird. In another medium bowl, combine the molasses, pomegranate seeds, orange peel, and hazelnuts.
9. After 30 minutes total, remove the bird and brush with the maple mixture, then return to the oven. At the same time, check the brussels sprouts. If needed, flip and return to oven for 10 more minutes.
10. Let the bird cook for 10-15 more minutes, basting two more times between. It is done when the center temperature measures 180 degrees with a meat thermometer. 

11. Take all three dishes out of the oven. Toss the brussels sprouts with the pomegranate mix and cut the sweet potato in half. Sprinkle potato with cinnamon, a teaspoon of butter (or a couple of sprays), and anything else you like.
12. Cut the bird in half and split between plates.
13. Serve, and marvel at your beautiful creation.
To keep it "healthy" we didn't eat the skin. Sadly though, that's where all the yummy maple taste is. You can also save your maple mixture, heat it, and use it for dipping sauce.

After dinner we exchanged some preliminary gifts (meaning my bigger gift is still to come. Watch out Robertson, Whitney's going to do some damage).

Dad gave Mr. Chow some beautiful new water and food bowls...
...and his favorite 9th Circuit Court Judge gave him a plush frisbee. He was so excited he tore the package open himself!
Mom got a gorgeous pair of black leather gloves from Michael Kors. I'm already planning on how I'll work these into my Fashion Week wardrobe come February!
I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas Eve and try out this recipe the next time you need a fancy meal for a small group.

Happy Holidays!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @WhitneyLEnglish for more delicious recipes and adorable pictures of Mr. Chow.
