Healthy Banana Bread Pudding

I am so excited to share this amazingly delicious version of your favorite homemade dessert at a fraction of the calories.

This stuff tastes just like the Banana Bread Pudding from Magnolia bakery. 
If you've had their pudding before then you know what I'm talking about. It's like crack. One bite and the next thing you know you'll be passed out on the 3rd street side walk, covered in vanilla goo, whispering, "but it has fruit in it..." 

Well my version might make you do that too, but at least you'll be in the comfort of your own kitchen, and you won't be regretting it for a week. And, like most of my recipes, it's super easy to make. Seriously, if you mess this up then I am worried about you and you shouldn't be trusted around a kitchen, let alone a computer.

Healthy Banana Bread Pudding


Sugar-free Vanilla Jello (small packet)
Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
Reduced Fat Nilla Wafers
2 Bananas, sliced

Serves 2-4


1. Mix the Jello packet with 2 cups of almond milk.
2.  In a medium sized bowl, pan, or cute dish (like mine), begin alternating layers of Nilla wafers and bananas. My dish ended up taking about 18 Nilla wafers for the two bananas.
3. Pour the pudding over the layers.
4. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

5. That's it! Eat it!!!

Total Calories: 300 for half or 150 for a fourth

If you like the blog, follow me on Twitter for more healthy holiday recipes @WhitneyLEnglish and email me with any questions, comments, or suggestions!
