Holiday Gifts for the Health Conscious

Ok, so I already gave you my list of must-get-gifts for a Celebrity-Obsessed pal. Now, here's my list of great gifts for your friend who makes her New Year's Resolution every year "to lose 5 lbs." Basically, someone like me.

Best Gifts for your Fitness Sistas

1. A personalized yoga mat.

Recommended by Jennifer Aniston's most trusted yoga trainer, Mandy Ingber, a personalized yoga mat will help your yogi friends reach their full potential. Go to to cutomize a mat with your own snapshots, motivational photos, and inspirational phrases.

And check out my workout video on SheKnows with Mandy to learn how to get Jen's hot bod!

Starting at $79.00

2. A Fruity Fro-Yo Maker

My mom gave me this as a surprise for Christmas last year and I love it! It's called Yonanas and it can basically turn any frozen fruit you have into a delicious ice-creamy like treat. It's the same concept as making Banana Froyo with a food processor, but even easier. If your friend has a sweet tooth, this gift is a no brainer.

$53.50 on

3. Healthy Cookies

No, you don't have to bake them yourself. 

For super cheap you can send your friend some yummy, reasonably healthy, cookies all set for her to make herself! Mason Jar Cookie Company does all the work for you. Just pick your health nut's favorite ingredients (I'm guessing you'll skip the candy step), and they will package it up all cute for you in a festive jar. I tried it with the oatmeal mix, almonds, blueberries, and raspberries. There is also a Gluten-Free option. You have to add the perishable ingredients yourself, so your calorie counting pal can make all the necessary substitutions on her own: vegan eggs, unsweetened almond milk, applesauce for butter. You get the idea.

4. A Hollywood Workout at Home

Celeb super trainer Harley Pasternak is finally revealing all the secrets to his celebrity workout's with his new video game Harley Pasternak's Hollywood Workout. The game lets you pick what kind of workout you want to do, from The New Mom to The Diva in Training. It calculates your reps and helps you make adjustments, all set to a Hollywood background. It's available on XBox and  Nintendo Wii, but if you don't have a gaming device, you can learn a few moves on SheKnows for free.

5. A Weighted Jump Rope

The perfect size for a stocking stuffer. Give this gift to a friend who travels a lot and needs to get in quick cardio sessions on the go. Mark Whalberg's trainer swears by jump roping and told me it's what he used to train Amy Adams on the set of the fighter! Just 5 to 10 minutes a day of this will keep the holiday pounds from piling up. And with the wieghted handles, you'll squeeze in some strength training as well.

On second thought, just buy this for yourself!

Happy Holidays!

Follow me on Twitter @WhitneyLEnglish for more diet and fitness tips and celebrity insider scoop. Subscribe to the blog in the upper left hand corner. And feel free to email me with any questions, comments or suggestions!
