Me, My Mom, Matt Damon, & Mr. Chow

My life drastically changed in the past couple of days.

No, not because I met Matt Damon (although that was awesome, but I've totally already met him), but because I met a new handsome man: Mr. Chow.
That's Mr. Frederick Von Chow to you, or Indiana Chow if you ask my boyfriend). 
More on him later...

I told you my mom came in town for something very special this was an interview with Barbara Streisand!  
Barbara and Seth Rogen are starring in a new holiday movie called The Guilt Trip, about a mother and son who take a road trip together and the hilarious antics that ensue. Usually this type of comedy wouldn't be my thing. 
I'm not sure if it was the movie itself, or having my mom with me, but I loved it. My mom and I could totally relate to many of the scenes: her nagging me, me getting mad, her being right.

So it was prettty exciting when the two of us got to sit down with Barabara and Seth, face-to-face, at the junket the next day.

My mom was as giddy as a schoolgirl. She just sat there outside the interview room, repeating her one question to herself over and over again. 

It was actually quite adorable.
On Saturday, she got a sneak peek of what a TV junket is like, when I took her to my interview with Matt Damon for Promised Land
If she was excited to meet Babs, then she was ecstatic to meet Matt. 

He was the perfect gentleman, as I expected. He greeted her, "Hi Mom," said goodbye, "Bye Mom," then gave her one more recognition with a wink when he left the building. She was as thrilled (even more than the time she met Colin Farrell's dog at the Total Recall press conference).

She got a double treat that day when Matt's co-star/co-writer John Krasinski rode the elevator down with us after the press day. 
He was very impressed to learn I'd brought my mom along and told her of our interview: "Your daughter is one of the good ones. She asked all the right questions."  

Well, I'm glad he thought so. I wasn't sure he would approve of my prying into he and Matt's double dates. But he was more than happy to share. Stay tuned to SheKnows for the interesting thing they like to do together.

Our interview with Barbara and Seth ended up going well. I think my mom was more nervous than she thought she was going to be, but she did a great job. 
I made her feel better about it by telling her about the countless times I was so scared that I stuttered in an interview. Yeah literally stuttered, "Wh...wh...what do you think?" It's happened more than a few times.

After all the interview business was done, we could finally focus on something very important that started Thursday night. 

I have been on a Chow rescue listserve for the past month, and have been dying to get a dog. So Thursday when I was in Scottsdale, when I found out about this adorable little Chow-Golden Retriever mix who was about to be put down at the Downey shelter, I just had to save him.

After countless unsuccessful calls to the shelter, a representative from Res-Q-Pet went down to the shelter and bailed him out for me. 
When I got back from AZ, he was at the vet (getting snipped), hence the plastic collar. 

I finally got to take him home last night, and now he's getting settled in. I am so excited to have him and already making a list of all the fun things we can do together. I feel another post coming on!
Follow me on Twitter @WhitneyLEnglish and Instagram for what will surely be an unending stream of adorable pictures of Mr. Chow as well as a sprinkling of celeb gossip and diet/fitness news.
