The Secret to Keeping Your Weight Loss Resolution

So it's only been three days since New Years Eve and you're already starting to fall behind on your resolutions. 

Tuesday was clearly a bust. After your late night clubbing and early morning burrito run, you were in no shape to hit the gym. Wednesday was overwhelming. You came back to approximately 3,000 emails after the break, and that late afternoon Facebook photo crisis certainly didn't help (what happens on New Years Eve, ends up in your friend's news feeds). 

So it's understandable that hitting the gym has fallen by the wayside, and I won't even mention what you had for lunch yesterday. Well, it's not to late to reclaim your resolutions and start from scratch. You just need a few guidelines. Follow these steps to make 2013 the year you finally claim the body you deserve!

Tips to Keeping Your New Year's Weight Loss Goals

Set a specific goal. You can't just say, "My goal is to have a super hot bod." Well, duh. You need to specify exactly what a "super, hot bod" means to you. Do you want to lose 10 pounds? Get a six-pack? Drop down to 18% body fat? Figure it out. Having an undefined goal will make it easy for you to get off track and make it hard for you to measure your success. Also, make sure to pick a goal that is within your reach. 

Pick a realistic resolution date. If you leave your goals open ended, you're never going to reach them. Pick a date to achieve your success by, and stick to it. Make sure though, that your goal is within your reach. Don't say, "I'm going to get a six pack in two weeks." That's just not going to happen. If you pick a time frame or goal that is too difficult or all together unattainable, it will not only disappoint you, but may discourage you from ever trying again.

Phone a friend. Let your friends and family know about your goals. Having a support system helps and can be a lifesaver when you're getting off track. If your friends know you're trying to eat healthy, they're less likely to suggest grabbing happy hour at Pink Taco and more likely to ask you to hike Runyon Canyon. And maybe you'll find that your friends have similar goals... workout buddies!
Make a game plan. Every week, let's say Sunday, sit down and look at your calender. Decide what days you're going to workouts are harder to bail on when they're scheduled. If you don't decide ahead of time, last minute events or distractions will keep you from choosing to workout. Even better, take a class that you can't cancel. I am enrolled in a Pilates class that you have to sign up for ahead of time. If I simply choose to skip it, I lose the money I already paid for the class. Let your wallet be your inspiration. 

Prepare. When it comes to your diet, preparation really is the key. If you don't have healthy food on hand, you will get ravenous, and you will eat an entire birthday cake in the break room at work when no one is looking. Gross, I know from experience. Every Sunday, in addition to planning your workouts, go grocery shopping and prepare your healthy meals for the week. 
Three things I always bake on Sunday: chicken, beets, and butternut squash. It's not hard. The beets and butternut go in together for a hour total at 400. 
Then throw the chicken in at 350 for 30 minutes. Purchase an avocado, dressing, and spinach and you've got yourself a week's worth of healthy lunches you can take to work. You're welcome. 

Another great thing to stock up on is green juices. 
They're a great way to get your veggies in for the day quickly and with low calories. I am obsessed with Pressed Juicery. They deliver in bulk nationwide and are currently doing a special for $199 for a three day cleanse. That's 24 juices for $86 off! And they're doing free shipping. You can do the cleanse to kick start your diet plan, or just drink the juices a couple times a day as snacks like I do.

Keep track. Use an online program like Calorie Count (they have an app too) or just a simple notebook to keep track of your progress. Note each day what you ate and what exercises your did. Depending on your goal, keep track of that as well. If it's weight loss, do a weekly weigh in. Watching the stages of your success will be a motivator to stick with it and when things aren't looking so great, you'll be able to go back and figure out why.

Treat Yo' Self. Reward yourself for progress with treats! No, I'm not talking about Sprinkles, I'm talking about mood boosters. 
For every pound you drop, maybe you allow yourself a 15 minute shoulder massage at your favorite nail place. Dropped 5 pounds? How about a spa day? And once you reach your goal, decide on a grandiose reward. Wouldn't that six pack look nice on a Costa Rican beach this summer? If you're strapped for cash, the rewards don't have to be pricey. Maybe you ask your beau to give you that massage... or reward yourself with a day of doing nothing but watching Sex and the City. Love me good chick flicks.

Forgive and forge ahead. When you slip up, and you inevitably will, keep calm and carry on. One meal, or even entire day of bad eating, is not irreparable. Start fresh the next meal, or next day. Don't let your little screw ups discourage you from your ultimate goal. I mean seriously, I have a "bad day" once a week at minimum. But you just have to keep at it.

Good luck, and stay positive. I have a feeling this is going to be a great year!

Weigh in: What are your 2013 health and fitness goals? What are you doing to reach them? Comment below!
