What I Ate Wednesday

If you read my blog regularly, then you know that this isn't one of those blogs where I just take pictures of my food to make other people feel bad about what they ate (actually this would usually do the opposite since I have a nasty habit of late night snacking).

But every once in a while, a little food porn is totally necessary. I mean, I love seeing what other people eat. So much so, that I'm surprised I don't regularly get kicked out of restaurants for uncomfortably glaring at other people's plates.

Anyway, checking out what other people are eating can often be helpful. It gives you ideas for meals to make or new ingredients to try, that you may not have thought of. So when I saw Jen of Peas and Crayons "What I Ate Wednesday" roundup, I definitely wanted to get in on it.

Stick with me to the end of this post, because instead of just showing you what I ate, of course I'll throw in a recipe!

So, here's What I Ate Wednesday (it was actually Monday, but don't tell anyone!)


My usual: six egg whites with a little salt and pepper, The Western Baking Company's Perfect 10 Bagel with a tablespoon of peanut butter, and a cup of coffee with a tablespoon of sugar-free creamer. Make this at work: Eggs in the Office


My other usual: A baked sweet potato with a cup of Fage 0% Greek Yogurt, and a leftover side salad from the previous night's dinner. Get recipe: Microwave "Baked" Potato


Stir-Fry Roulette with Whole Wheat Couscous. 

For this dinner I pretty much just grabbed whatever seasonings and sauces I had on hand that sounded good, and mixed them all together.
I started by steaming diced chicken and Trader Joe's Asian veggies mix together over medium heat.
Then I added a crazy mix of Carrot Ginger Dressing, Orange Vinaigrette, Soy Sauce, Truvia, and Garlic. And it turned out delicious!
I encourage you to try this fast, easy meal with whatever you have in your pantry. You really can't mess up that much. Next time I think I'll add peanut butter to give it a Thai taste!

Happy WIAW!!!

**Disclaimer: This isn't all I ate that day. I also had a banana with peanut butter (are you sensing a PB addiction yet?), a handful of strawberries and grapes, half of a protein bar, and a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich...but you don't need to see all that!**

Follow me on Twitter @WhitneyLEnglish for more food, fitness, and celebrity fun!
