Why You Should Get a Cardio Buddy

First off, I must apologize to any loyal readers. I know I've been pretty MIA lately (but that's why you should be following me on Twitter!! Constant updates). 

Things have been pretty hectic lately. Between work (hanging out with Rachel Zoe)...
...play (jet-setting to Sundance)...
...and my new best friend...
...I've been busy.

Two of those things have been total disasters for my health.

I mean, after seeing Rachel Zoe I just got hungry and ate about a pound of quinoa from the Whole Foods hot bar (and not the light, oil-free quinoa). And of course Sundance - three days of running around in the cold, grabbing food whenever/wherever you can find it (pizza), and staying up until all hours of the night - is not good for any part of your health. 

My new besty though, a.k.a. Mr. Chow, has been doing wonders for my fitness regimen! 
Whether I like it or not, I am now walking/running about two miles a day. This means about 200 extra calories off of whatever I had already planned for the day's workout. Sometimes that's nothing. But other days, like when I do Pilates, I'm working with about a 500-600 calorie burn. Not bad. 
According to WebMD, people with dogs walk about 132 minutes more per week than people without dogs. That's over two hours of burn time people!
I would never get that kind of workout before Chow. Before him, I would do my hour of Pilates, burn about 300 cals, and call it a day. Or I would head to the gym, squeeze out about 30 minutes of cardio (also 300 cals), and then sit on the couch for the rest of day. Now even on my "off" days, I'm guaranteed 20 to 40 minutes of physical activity. 

My point you ask? 

Having someone or something that literally makes you workout everyday is major motivation. I'm not saying, go buy a dog right now (although you should because they're adorable!!).
I'm saying find someone or something that makes you do a little extra activity everyday. 

*Set dates with friends to hike or take spinning 

*Join a running club

*Grab coffee with a co-worker every morning at a shop 
that's exactly 1.5 miles from your work, and make yourself walk it.
(Note: bring tennis shoes to change into. Heels = ouch)

*Become a dog walker yourself, and get some cash with your cals!

There are so many ways to squeeze some extra exercise into your life on a daily basis, and when you have people (or pets) counting on you, you won't back out.

Follow me on Twitter @WhitneyLEnglish for more diet, fitness, and celebrity fun!
