WIAW: Breakfast for Dessert

I'm a sucker for cereal.
Of course, I almost always eat it at the least likely times of the day... i.e. afternoon snack, 4th meal, just going to the kitchen to get some water and happen to toss back half the box...you get the picture.

Usually the cereal I keep on hand though is pretty healthy, so I don't feel tooooo bad about it. But even "healthy" cereal can sometimes be packed with loads of carbs, high calorie counts, and hidden sugar. So when I got a mysterious box of chocolately cereal from the folks at Fiber One, I assumed the worst.
After examining the nutritonal facts though, I was quite pleased.

Their new Fiber One 80 Chocolate is ahmazzing. It seriously tastes Coco Puffs...and I'm cuckoo for them. With only 80 calories for 3/4 of a cup, 5 grams of sugar, and 9 grams of fiber, this stuff is awesome. It will fill you up because of the fiber, but not overload you with carbs like your "healthy" granola, which can run up to 60 carbs per serving (that's as much as a cinnamon roll!).

Now if you have read the nutrional label yourself, then you know the first two ingredients are: Whole Grain Corn and Sugar. I know, doesn't sound great. But I'm not encouraging you to go on a Special K, five times a day diet with this stuff. I'm advocating using it as a yummy treat that you don't have to feel bad about.

And that's exactly what I did yesterday....
...here's my "What I Ate Wednesday" post in reverse, starting with the best meal of the day: dessert.


A cup of Arctic Zero Maple Vanilla Ice Cream topped with 3/4 cup of Fiber One 80. If you haven't heard of Arctic Zero it is the bomb, read more here.
Calories: 150, sweet!


Grilled Citrus Salmon with Brussel Sprouts, half a Baked Sweet Potato, and a side of Taziki. Stay tuned soon for the salmon recipe!


Spinach and Butter Lettuce salad with Chicken, Beets, Feta, Avocado, and Balsamic Dressing. And the other half of that sweet potato, with a tablespoon of taziki on the side. Check out this easy recipe to make your own beets.


The usual: six egg whites and two pieces of whole wheat bagel. Mmmmmm (yeah it's a reused pic, so sue me).
Happy Hump Day! And thanks to Jenn at Peas & Crayons for hosting the weekly WIAW link party.

Follow me on Twitter @WhitneyLEnglish for more food, fitness, and celebrity gossip fun!
