WIAW: Gluten-Free Valentine's Day Protein Pancakes

Since last week's "What I Ate Wednesday" did so well, I'm doing it again! I just might do this every Wednesday...I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time...but I'm going to try (nice Old School reference, huh??).

This Wednesday, we're actually working with Sunday's menu. The weekend is the only time I have time to divert from my usual toast and egg whites schedule. With Valentine's Day on the horizon, I decided to attempt a gluten-free pancake recipe my boyfriend's mom gave me, and turn them into adorable hearts. Despite my lack of a steady hand, I think they actually turned out looking like hearts (at least the ones I've chosen to show you).

So without further ado on this fine Wednesday, here's what I ate Sunday...


Gluten-Free Valentine's Day Protein Pancakes with scrambled eggwhites.

1/2 C. Old Fashioned Oats
1/4 C. Protein Powder (I used Body Factory)
1/3 C. Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt
2 Eggs
10 Strawberries
1 tsp. Baking Powder


1. Puree wet ingredients (including diced strawberries) in a blender, food processor, or a "Party Bullet" in my case, haha.
2. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl.
3. Add dry ingredients to blender and process until smooth.
4. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat on medium high. Pour two small circles of batter next to each other, then use a spoon to shape into a heart.
5. Cook each side for about 2-3 minutes.

6. Serve with egg whites, and sugar-free syrup and enjoy!

Total Calories: 250 for half the recipe

Note: Add red food coloring to give your pancakes even more Valentine's spirit!

The rest of the food I ate Sunday, I'm trying to forget. It consisted of a cupcake at Rachael's 30th bounce bash, chicken chili and nacho cheese with chips and a brewski at a Superbowl bash, a salmon avocado roll and a rainbow roll for dinner, and massive amounts of froyo for dessert. Hey, it was the weekend.

For more recipes, diet tips, and fitness fun, follow me on Twitter @WhitneyLEnglish.
