Update: Evolve Protein Shake Giveaway...and the Winner is...

So, remember how I told you how much I love this new protein shake from Muscle Milk called, Evolve? Well, now it's your chance to try it too!
Evolve has offered to giveaway two packs of their super shake to two lucky Live & Dieter's! To win, all you have to do it comment below where you're usually going when you need some fuel on the go.
For me, it's usually in between shoots. I am usually racing to get to one in time and don't have time to make lunch beforehand. And although there are often craft services or a catered lunch on set, it's never very healthy. I'd much rather be prepared with a delicious drink that I know is low in sugar and high in protein.  Evolve has 12 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, and only 110 calories. It doesn't get better than that!

Weigh in below for your chance to win. 
Where are you rushing off to when you need some fuel on-the-go?

Update! And the winner is... 

#3 Taylor

And #1 Emily!!

Thank you to everyone who left comments! Taylor and Emily, please email me your preferred address for delivery: english.whitney@gmail.com. You're going to love these! xoxo
