Getting things in MOCEAN - Running Update!

A lot has happened in the last sixteen days. In order to make fundraising for The V Foundation possible I've been hitting the pavement hard in search of sponsors for my big half-marathon run. I'm happy to say...I've been incredibly successful! I've been floored by the outpouring of support and by all the businesses who have responded to my story and have committed to sponsoring me! I want to recognize and thank all of my sponsors and talk about how some of them have gone a step further to support me, but I can't do ALL of that in one'd be too long and you'd get bored.  Instead, let's talk about one particular addition to what's becoming two months of training and races.

Those who have been reading "So THIS Is Fitness..." know that Sportclips is the title sponsor for my half-marathon run. I called that the "platinum level" sponsor. I have also been seeking Gold and Silver level sponsors. One of the Gold level sponsors I've secured went a step further and, among other things, went beyond the "Gold" level, allowing me to register for another race in preparation for the half-marathon! That's awesome! What race? Who did it?

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