
Let's have a little talk about -Haters-.

We all know what haters are. We all probably know some haters too. Odds are, many of you out there might even have haters of your very own! I'll go ahead and say that 90% or more of the haters out there are the people I'm talking about in this post. Up to 10% might have a legitimate reason for hating...maybe. For the purposes of this article, let's assume we're talking about the 90% that I'm about to describe.

Ultimately, I have to say...I don't hate haters. If you think about it the way I do...you can't help but love them just because of their very nature. Haters are important! Just not for the reason they wish they were. On this Motivational Monday morning, I think its time to talk about the haters.

What drives a hater? What do Haters...hate? Why?

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