Making It Work - Time Management

There really just aren't enough hours in the day. Life is busy! We have so many things we need to get done in 24 hours...and it's just not enough. Work, sleep, eat, meetings, chores, errands, meet up with friends...before you know it you're overdue on a whole laundry list of things...oh and there's the laundry too! I have a whole screen of my phone (multiple homescreens) dedicated to my "To Do". That's it, right there! That's not even the whole list...those widgets scroll. I even have to color-code it to keep it all straight. I'm sure some of you can relate.

Bottom line are we supposed to be expected to juggle everything we've got going on AND get a workout in? It's crazy! What if you work a 12 hour day? What if you've got the kids to worry about? It just. Doesn't. WORK.

Well...On this lovely Motivational Monday morning...I'm here to tell you...We have to make it work. "BUT HOW?! I just can't do it!" Yes. You CAN. And it's not as daunting as it might seem.
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