Working Out VS Training

Just because a workout is long and grueling, doesn't make it a good one.  Does it really do anyone any good, or just hurt them?    Read this article entitled "The Any Asshole Workout" (from August, 2012).

There is a big difference between "working out" and "training".

Anyone can put together a "workout" that will make you sweat your butt off and leave you sore for days afterwards, but does it have a measurable long term goal?  Mindlessly pushing yourself (possibly with bad form) until you are completely exhausted is not a goal that will provide you with any real benefit or long term results.  That will end up hurting you and your health.

Training is based on short and long term goals.  Training has purpose and a desired "stimulus".  It is targeted towards developing technique, skill, speed, strength, aerobic/anaerobic capacity, etc.  It is planned according to an individual's current abilities.  It uses steady progression to make long term measurable progress.  It is meant to make you better, not just tear you down.

What are your goals?  Do you want to just sweat and hurt, or do you want to make measurable progress?  Weight loss may be measurable progress, but that can be accomplished through proper nutritional choices!  Goals should be based on performance, not "looks".  Just look at any athlete and you will see that their "looks" are a side effect of their training.

Train for performance and make good nutritional choices.  Not only will you "look good", you will increase your capabilities and feel great!
