It's Always Better Together

Once again, I thought long and hard about how to approach this topic, but the simplest way to say it is - going through a health & fitness journey alone sucks and often just doesn't work. For so many years I tried and failed to do it on my own. The desire was there, and I did use the word "tried"...

Many, maybe even most people out there just can't do it alone, and if you're one of those people...I get it. I'm not gonna say it's not your fault because, frankly, I don't think there necessarily is anyone at's just freaking hard to go it alone. In the last week I have really embraced, openly, the "group effort". I became a BeachBody Coach and immediately set out to start a P90X Challenge Group to help people make a change, stay with it, and succeed (more on that later). Today, on Hump Day no less, I want to talk about how to get over the hump of sticking with your health & fitness decision by not having to go it alone. You might think twice about your impending solo act.

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