Move It, or Lose It!

Movement.  It is what the human body was designed for.

We start off in life learning to move ... to sit up, crawl, climb, walk, run, jump, roll, throw, etc.  We learn to play with movement and use our body in every way imaginable.

We become great movers but then, as we grow older, we stop playing. Eventually most people stop moving in many ways until even the most basic movements become difficult. Most are a result of inactivity.  For those who continue to exercise, the majority limit their range of motion by specializing in certain activities.  Perhaps they get injured and never really recover from it.

In any case, people often complain of aches and pains and "getting old" as an excuse for why they can't move the way they used to.  Some use these excuses to further reduce their efforts to move until even walking and getting off a chair becomes a chore.

The truth is, the reason most people can no longer move the way they used to is because they stopped moving the way they used to!  It has nothing to do with getting old.  It is a result of no longer exploring movement in all those imaginable ways we did as children.

It is never too late to get back to moving again ... to "playing" again.  All that is needed is the desire to make the effort and to never give up.  People may need to go back to "crawling" and learn how to reverse the effects of not moving properly for so long.  ANYTHING they do will be better than nothing at all, because nothing at all will get them .... NOTHING!

It may be frustrating at first, and egos will have to be put in check, but it is worth the effort.  A miraculous thing happens when people start expanding their movement patterns again.  They actually feel better!  Their aches and pains are reduced and even eliminated.  They may even be able to stop taking the drugs (with all their wacky side effects) that were just masking their pain.  They can enjoy movement again and participate in new activities .... be a kid again!

So Move It, or Lose It!   What good is a "life of leisure" when the body is in constant pain and you have to watch the fun from the sidelines?
