The Prone Shoulder Dislocate

The Prone Shoulder Dislocate is a shoulder mobility and strengthening movement.  

Start with a PVC pipe, broomstick or similar.  Engage the whole body (core, glutes, legs), keep arms straight and locked out.  Pull the bar apart and try to make a large circle in the rotation by pushing the shoulders away from the body.  

Use control!  Do not allow gravity to move the bar.  Use a slow, controlled movement.

Once you can complete 3 sets of 10 reps, add a light weight (i.e. 2.5 lb plate) on the center of the bar. Progress in small increments (2.5 to 5 lbs) only when you can complete 3 sets of 10 reps with each weight.  

Do not rush the progressions.  This is a rehab / prehab movement, not something to test a 3RM on!  You can increase the challenge by making your grip more narrow as your mobility improves.
