Exercise is Medicine

Exercise is medicine. It has the power to transform your life for the better, but not just by enhancing your physical beauty. The true value of exercise transcends aesthetics. Not only does it keep your physiology youthful, exercise also has the following unbeatable benefits:

•    Strengthens all the tissues in the body
•    Cures metabolic diseases
•    Accelerates recovery from diseases such as cancer
•    Helps prevent injury and pain
•    Improves brain function and learning
•    Prevents memory loss and brain degeneration linked to Alzheimer’s
•    Extends lifespan
•    Improves sleep and reduces stress
•    Enhances mood and reduces risk of depression
•    Improves heart function and lowers blood pressure
•    Enhances coordination and reaction time
•    Optimizes reproductive health and libido
•    Reduces the side effects of puberty and menopause

The reason for our inaction is influenced by many factors too abundant and complicated to begin to address in this article. Yet, possibly the greatest factor in our failure to benefit from the therapeutic effects of exercise is our lack of skill.

Too many people don’t know what to do or how to do it. This article will give you eleven unbeatable benefits of exercise so as to convince you to learn how to train.
